Saturday, September 27, 2014

C4K Summary for September

Zion is a 7th Grade student at Pt England school in Auckland. The blog post that I commented on is called "Children and Exercise", and he wrote about how important it is for children to stay healthy and exercise to keep the muscles strong, and to stay fit. He gave a great example on how to do so. He said sports like rugby, touch and cross country are great to stay fit. I commented that I completely agreed with him that it is important to stay fit and healthy, also  I love he provided examples of ways to accomplish a fit lifestyle.

London titled her blog post "My Life and How it Is." She discussed how she hates for other people to be judgmental because everyone has flaws that make them different, and she tells why she is different. London says "I HAVE GOALS', her goal is to be a R.N. and work with sick people and children and travel the world trying new foods and exploring different things. I commented that I absolutely thinks she's right that people should not judge each other for our unique traits that makes us who we are. I also said how ambitious and how excellent her goals are.

Liberty titled her blog post "Talent or Hard Work". She discussed how talent is not all that it takes to accomplish your goals, that you need to put forth a great amount of hard work to be successful in any thing that you do. She gives singing as an example, that if you want to be a singer, of course you would need talent but, in order for you to be famous you need to put in hard work. I commented that I agreed with her 100 percent and that relying on talent alone would not take you far, and how wonderful it was to hear her opinion on the subject.

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