2. How to make an audio QR code
In this video I learned how to create a QR code. The way the Ms, Michele explained how to create a QR code was very helpful. Honestly, before I watched this video I didn't even know what a QR code was. Iv'e seen them before but had no idea what it was.
3. iPad Reading Center
In this video I learned that a student does not have to sit in class and listen to the teacher lecture. Technology can help us all learn in a fun cool way.
4. Poplet with Ginger Tuck
I learned that there are numerous programs out there that can students learn more and in a fun way.
5. We All Become Learners
I learned that everyone could become learners when we use technology. Teachers don't know everything, and we shouldn't expect them too, but in a lot of cases teachers learn from their students. In this video it was discussed how a student helped the teacher use a program correctly, and the teacher was then able to pass her new knowledge of the program to her other students.

I really think your opening sentence hits the nail on the head. I think having an open mind is critical to being a learner. We must be willing to accept new and foreign things. That way our knowledge base will grow and we can become better teachers. Great point!
ReplyDelete"As a future math teacher I honestly do not think I will not be using much technology, but I do think technology is great for other subject for research like science, history, and English literature." Math teachers can for sure use math. You may have to be more creative in incorporating it but it is possible to use it in the classroom.
ReplyDeleteMake sure you complete the entire blog post assignment.