Technology is a big part of our world today. It seems as if scientists are trying to figure out every way possible for us to adopt technology into our lives, and it is so hard to run from it, so I say embrace it and use it to our advantage. Technology should definitely be used in school if it could help not only students but teachers learn too. Its wonderful that we have information right at our fingertips, we just have to find it. The information that was provided on the EDM Class Blog talked about how much we use our smartphone and the camera mainly. I think cameras are an amazing thing to use while in school. For example if a science teacher were to take their class to the park, or beach, or somewhere where nature is easy to identify, students would be able to take pictures of everything they found interesting, like plants, insects, birds etc., and simply search those photos in a search engine to find additional information. There are many ways to use the internet, laptop programs, and apps for education purposes.
We can even look at social media networks as a way to connect with people all over the world who share our same educational interest. Just think, a class in CA could connect with a class across the country in NY, or even across the world in Australia, using Skype, or Google hangouts, or even complete projects with each other using Google Drive. Technology today has allowed us to learn in fun ways and has students looking forward to going to school and learning.
If I was to assume that my entire math class had a smart phone, tablet or iPad, I would have them save their money and not make it mandatory to buy a $100 graphing calculator, I would just let them use their devices. They would use programs like Padlett to compare answers to questions, and other online math programs like Geogebra, and Desmos to complete math projects and group work. (I discovered these two programs from a teacher's blog that I was assigned to earlier this week.) They would find math blogs and websites to find easy ways to remember formulas and thermos, and discuss methods they use to solve math equations and remember math equations. They would use their camera to record their work, and share it with other students and the teacher, when they are in school or at home.
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