Friday, October 10, 2014

Project #9 Video Commentary

This is my group discussing the topic that was assigned to us which is provided below.

"Is [education] just for tomorrow, or is it for the rest of our students' live? Do we
need to teach them things that even we agree they don't need to know, except in order to pass the
test? When we see the bored looks on their faces, do we just turn away and blame them, or do we
change?" (p. 190, Teaching Digital Natives ) What evidence does Prensky give in Teaching
Digital Natives to support this conclusion? What other evidence would you offer to support it?
Do you agree entirely with his assessment? If not, what reservations do you have and what
evidence do you offer as an explanation for those misgivings? Finally, how must teachers and
teaching change? Is that possible? Is it likely?

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